Investing Approach
Consistent Returns through Various Market & Economic Conditions
At Yorktown, our investing approach has proven to be effective in generating risk-adjusted returns with consistency. We follow three primary principles when evaluating opportunities: selection of and partnering with previously successful management teams, limited financial leverage and a focus on near-term cashflow generation and growth.
This is no small feat in the volatile energy sector⁠—and it stems, we believe, largely from our rigorous top-down approach to selecting investments and our commitment to tight alignment with our portfolio company management teams and with investors.
The Yorktown Approach
Our approach involves a comprehensive assessment of market trends, regulatory landscapes and emerging opportunities. This, we believe, allows us to identify and capitalize on the most promising investment prospects while creating a diversified and balanced portfolio.
Our long experience and networks across the energy sector help us identify quality companies and management teams that have competitive advantages in their businesses and know how to apply these advantages with consistency.
While valuing and seeking innovation, we also seek to ensure a strong preference among our companies for near-term cashflow generation and cashflow growth.
Commitment to Alignment
Yorktown principals invest substantial amounts as both GPs and LPs in every flagship fund, and our alignment with investors is woven into the way we select and manage investments.
Consistent with this alignment, we expect meaningful financial commitments from company management.